We are currently experiencing an outage. We're aware of the problem and are working to fix it.
Maintenance Alert: SupportSync will be performing scheduled maintenance on 12/16/2023 between 11PM and 12PM PST. During this time period, SupportSync may be unavailable.
FedEx is currently experiencing an outage. They're aware of the problem and are working to fix it.
FedEx Shipping Error: "ERROR: [1000] Authentication Failed."   [Click here for latest info]

HardError:[120502] InvoiceLineTotal MonetaryValue must be greater than 0.

This error indicates that the Declared Value needs to be set for the Product or Accessory. The value should not be 0. 

Go to Settings - Products and open the product on the return. Edit the product and input a value for the Declared Value that is greater than 0. 

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