We are currently experiencing an outage. We're aware of the problem and are working to fix it.

[Click here for Latest Info on Service Outages]

Recent Service Interruption on 2/4/2025: We are currently functioning normally.

[Click here for Latest Updates on Service Interruptions]

Maintenance Alert: SupportSync will be performing scheduled maintenance on 12/16/2023 between 11PM and 12PM PST. During this time period, SupportSync may be unavailable.
FedEx is currently experiencing an outage. They're aware of the problem and are working to fix it.
UPS Shipping: Action Required for your Account. UPS Now Requires OAuth 2: [See Latest UPS Setup Instructions]
FedEx Shipping Error: "ERROR: [1000] Authentication Failed."   [Click here for latest info]

Missing or invalid shipper number [120100].


This error comes from UPS. They say: 

"You may have received this error because your shipper number (Account Number) from the Shipping API was not added to your ups.com profile."

What this means is that your UPS account might not be setup for online access. 

To verify that your account is setup correctly:

  1. Log in to ups.com (Be sure to use the same User ID and Password that is in your Shipping API)
  2. Click the circle with your first name initial in the upper right corner and select "Accounts and Payment" from menu. 


  3. Verify your account is listed. 
  4. If not, click "Add a Payment Method" and select the "Add Existing Account" option.
  5. Follow the instructions to add the account.

*Also make sure that the fields entered for the Return Center are in the same CASE as the fields entered on UPS.com



UPS CampusShip accounts:

The instructions above won't match the UPS website if you have a CampusShip account. Therefore, CampusShip accounts won't work with SupportSync or the UPS API.


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