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Maintenance Alert: SupportSync will be performing scheduled maintenance on 12/16/2023 between 11PM and 12PM PST. During this time period, SupportSync may be unavailable.
FedEx is currently experiencing an outage. They're aware of the problem and are working to fix it.
FedEx Shipping Error: "ERROR: [1000] Authentication Failed."   [Click here for latest info]

Creating User Accounts

Creating a New User

Click the Admin folder and the All Users drop-down appears. Click the New User button.


  1. Create the Name, Email, Username and Password.
  2. Set the appropriate Access Level rights Understanding Access Levels
  3. Check the "Process Returns & Parts Requests " box if the user will be receiving, shipping, processing and/or testing returns or parts requests. Otherwise, do not check this box. 
  4. Click the "Save" button

 Then, click on the Application Settings in the left hand column

On this page, you can...

  1. Reset the users password
  2. Change access levels
  3. Set which of your Brands the user can access
  4. Set which of your Return Centers the user can access 
  5. Change the user Status (Active/Inactive)

Save & Exit


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